We have summarized updates from IZiNCG in our Newsletter No. 4! Despite delays and challenges, we are pleased to report progress on many projects and the publication of a new IZiNCG Technical Brief.
We would also like to thank you for visiting our website for news and resources. IZiNCG aims to pool together the talents and experience of the world's leaders in zinc nutrition and become a global resource for the best science, strategic thinking, and policy recommendations to control zinc deficiency.
Our small group cannot achieve this mission without the help, collaboration and direction from our wider nutrition and health community. We would love your feedback, whether you are a student or a program director!
You can contact us on secretariat@izincg.org, or by using this contact form.
With kind regards,
Christine McDonald (Director) and Mari Manger (Deputy Director)
Photo credit: Dominic Chavez, World Bank